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SizeUp@AdamsHub Local Business Intelligence

SizeUp@AdamsHub Local Business Intelligence (LBI) is a free, robust business analytics tool designed to support small and medium-sized businesses in a variety of stages, from the entrepreneur looking to start their first business to a seasoned business owner looking to expand their customer base. SizeUpLouisville can assist in providing answers to:

    • Where should I start my business in Louisville?
    • Who are my competitors and how do I perform compared to them?
    • How can I find more customers?
    • How do I identify the best places to locate and advertise my business?

Small Business Advisor (SBA) – Provides information on numerous topics related to planning, starting, managing, and growing your business. It easily enables you to explore business topics of your interest. You will discover a roadmap of tasks and processes entrepreneurs can take to be successful. The content is a mix of narrative text information, graphics, videos, and interactive research tools which are data-driven, hyper-local, and industry specific.

Small Business Advisor
SizeUp@AdamsHub Shop Local

Shop Local enables our visitors to promote customers doing business with local companies. This is beneficial to the local economy because local business spending creates a higher economic impact for the community and local governments. Visitors are empowered to search for and explore truley local businesses by industry or name.

111 W.Proctor St., Carson City | 775-222-0001